1.4. Processes

1.4. Processes #

A process is an instance of a program that is currently being executed.

There are several attributes attached to a process, including:

  • Ownership
  • Process ID (pid)
  • CPU usage
  • Running time

There are three types of processes:

  • User process: Initiated by a regular user
  • Daemon process: A process designed to run in a background
  • Kernel process: Executed in kernel-mode only

Process States #

Most processes can be in one of the following states: on the CPu or off the CPU. Only one process can run at a time on a single CPU.

A process that is off the CPU can be in the following sub-states:

  • Runnable state: The process has all the resources it needs except the CPU
  • Sleeping state: The process needs resources that are not currently available
  • Uninterruptable sleep state: The process is waiting for a particular time slot or particular event to occur
  • Zombie state: The time between when the process terminates and the parent releases the child process

Process States

Threads #

A thread is the smallest unit of execution, and is a component of a process.

Processes can contain many threads.


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