1.7. Port Scanning 2 & Packet Capturing

1.7. Port Scanning 2 & Packet Capturing #

OSI Model and Internet Model #

The OSI model shows the order of encapsulation of network packets.

ISO/OSI ModelInternet ModelExample Protocols
ApplicationApplicationHTTP, FTP, SSH
PresentationASCII, MIME, ASN.1
TransportTransportTDP, UDP
NetworkInternetIP, ICMP, IPsec
Data LinkNetworkEthernet, IEEE 802.11, ATM
PhysicalEthernet, Bluetooth, USB, RS-232

TCP Handshake Flags #

SYNOnly the first packet sent from each side should have this flag. Used to tell the other side what sequence number to expect.
ACKUsed to acknowledge packets which are successfully received. All packets after first SYN should have this set.
FINRequests connection termination
RSTTerminates the connection
URGNotifies the receiver to process the urgent packets before other packets
PSHTells the receiver to process packets as they are received instead of buffering them

TCP Scanning Methods #

Stealth/SYN Scan #

Attempts to hide the scans from the firewall and logs by not fully completing the TCP 3-way handshake.

Example: nmap -sS [host], sends a SYN to each port.

Response from hostState
No responseFiltered
ICMP unreachable errorFiltered

Full TCP Scan #

Tries to negotiate a full 3-way handshake. If the connection is established, the service is alive and the port is open.

Example: nmap -sT [host].

FIN, NULL, Xmas Scan #

FIN Scan: nmap -sF [host] NULL Scan: nmap -sN [host] Xmas scan: nmap -sX [host]

Response from hostState
No responseOpen/Filtered
ICMP unreachable errorFiltered

UDP Scanning #

UDP has no concept of handshaking, so scanning is more difficult.

Example: nmap -sU [host] tries sending some data to each UDP port.

Response from hostState
Any UDP responseOpen
No response receivedOpen/Filtered
ICMP port unreachable errorClosed
Other ICMP unreachable errorFiltered

Packet Capturing #

Packet capturing or sniffing is where traffic is intercepted and logged.

A packet sniffer is a piece of software or hardware used to intercept and log traffic that passes through a network.

This can be used to:

  • Detect network intrustion attempts
  • Identify suspect content in network traffic
  • Spy on users and collect sensitive information

Wireshark #

Wireshark is a free and open-source network packet analysis program.

Wireshark shows packets that it captures in real-time.

Analysing Data Packets #

  • The top pane shows the list of packets that have been captured
  • The bottom-left pane shows the readable information about the packet
  • The bottom-right pane shows the hex data of the packet

Capture Filters #

Wireshark supports filters to limit the packets that are captured.

  • host [IP address]: Limits the packets to traffic to and from the IP address
  • net Captures all traffic on the subnet
  • dst host [IP address]: Captures only packets sent to the IP address
  • port 80: Captures packets on port 80 only
  • port not 53 and not arp: Captures all packets except DNS and ARP traffic

Display Filters #

Wireshark also supports filters to limit the captured packets that are shown.

  • ip.src==[IP address 1] or ip.dst==[IP address 2]: Shows packets from one computer to another
  • tcp.port eq 22: Shows all traffic on port 22
  • icmp: Shows only ICMP packets
  • ip.addr!=[IP address]: Shows all traffic except from the specified IP address

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