
Glossary #

VimA highly-configurable text editor for Linux and Unix.
TCPTransmission Control Protocol. A common Layer 4 (Transport Layer) protocol.
UDPUser Datagram Protocol. A common Layer 4 (Transport Layer) protocol.
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol. Used to send error messages and operational information between network devices. Most commonly known for ping.
VPNVirtual Private Network. A method of securely connecting two networks, or creating a virtual network, over an insecure medium.
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol. A protocol used for monitoring the health of network devices.
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol. Used to exchange routing information among autonomous systems on the internet.
OSPFOpen Shortest Path First. Protocol to find the most efficient route between two nodes.
ASAutonomous System. Sub-networks that make up the internet.

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